Gaura-purnima is the most auspicious appearance day of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu - the Golden Avatar of Lord Krishna. The Lord appeared in His previous incarnations as Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, and Lord Nrsimhadeva but Lord Chaitanya is extra special for 'Gaudia Vaisnavas' (aka the Hare Krishna Movement) as He transformed the hearts of everyone He met through singing of the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra and re-establishing the Bhakti-yoga tradition.
His legacy is carried on to this day all over the world, a special gift by our Founder Srila Prabhupada who brought this ancient tradition from India to the whole world. Devotees fast till moonrise on this day, followed by a feast.
This special festival will be blessed by His Grace Adi Guru das prabhu, a senior devotee and experienced practitioner of Bhakti Yoga, a great raconteur and motivational speaker. He has travelled the world sharing Krishna Consciousness and inspiring devotees with his engaging and enlivening talks, roaring Kirtans and exciting stories and we are very fortunate to have him as our special guest again here in Brighton for our festival.
We will also be having a special ceremony for Lord Caitanya where lamp, incense, flowers are offered as we all sing and we will have ecstatic Kirtan, dancing and a special feast at the end.
Please join us from 19.30 - 22.30
*PLEASE NOTE - we are celebrating at a different venue this year -
BMECP Centre - 10A Fleet Street, Brighton BN1 4ZE. Click HERE for a map.
