This Friday we will be celebrating the appearance of a special Avatar of Krishna - Lord Nrsimhadev.
This form of Lord Krishna is quite unique and as the name suggests, (Nara = Human, Simha = Lion) his form is a combination of lion and human — face of a lion and body of a man. He is known as the divine protector because he removes all obstacles that can hamper a devotee’s spiritual progress.
To honour the occasion and learn more Nrsimha lila ( transcendental pastimes) we will have a dramatic reading of His story to learn more and meditate on this important pastime, why He took this form and what it means for Devotees. We will also have an Aarti (offering ceremony) and sing a special Bhajan for Lord Nrsimhdev - click HERE for the words.
'I offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Nrsimhadeva, the source of all power. O my Lord who possess nails and teeth just like thunderbolts, kindly vanquish our demonlike desires for fruitive activity in this material world. Please appear in our hearts and drive away our ignorance so that by Your mercy we may become fearless in the struggle for existence in this material world.' Srimad Bhagavatam 5.18.8
As usual we will also have Kirtans (chanting with musical instruments) and finish with a Veggie/Vegan Spiritual Feast.
We look forward to seeing you there!
BMECP centre, near to the rear of Brighton's train station - 10 Fleet St, Brighton, BN1 4ZE.
Map of the venue HERE
Time 19.00-22.00
Admission Free (Donations welcome)
