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  • Writer's pictureLochan das Thakur das

Friday 30th June - Special Guest HG Sandipani Muni Krsna Das prabhu

Welcome back to Hare Krishna Fridays at the BMECP centre in Brighton!

This week we have special guest, His Grace Sandipani Muni Krishna das, a celebrated Kirtaniya, who has traveled the globe alongside the renowned 'Harniam Ruci' team, spreading the joyous vibrations of kirtan in every town and village they visit distributing hundreds of Bhakti Yoga books along the way.

Prepare yourself for an extraordinary evening as Sandipani prabhu takes us on a captivating journey through his thrilling adventures in Krsna consciousness. With tales that traverse the globe, he will share his awe-inspiring experiences, all beautifully interwoven with his profound realizations from the Bhakti scriptures. Brace yourself for fantastic Kirtan and an insightful and heartwarming talk that will leave you inspired and uplifted.

As usual we will also be having our usual Veggie/Vegan Spiritual Feast.

We look forward to seeing you there!

BMECP centre, near to Brighton's train station - 10 Fleet St, Brighton, BN1 4ZE.

Map of the venue HERE

Time 19.00-22.00

Admission Free (Donations welcome)

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